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Bearing each other's burdens.

Been sick for the past three days. OOOver it! Two days ago I honestly thought, "Life insurance is paid up, family will be good, Lord please take me home." It is amazing how much your perspective can change when you are "suffering". The other night I was running 103 fever and shivering under 3 blankets...suffering has a new reality.

So much of my life is easy and comfortable. Usually, suffering is realizing it's Sunday and Chick-fil-A is closed or maybe when the wifi goes that's traumatic.

Yet around us everyday are people that are suffering. When I say "suffering" you probably get pictures in your head of war, disease and death, but that is not the kind of suffering I am referring to. I am talking about the people you see everyday.

Stop right now and think about the people you see each day. Are they suffering?

At first glance I bet you answer "no". But how close did you look? In the area that I live there are a reported 17,000 people dealing with anxiety disorders, eating disorders or similar mental health issues. Many of the people that we hear, "I'm fine, how are you?" from have a somethings-not-right space that haunts them.

I think God allows you and I to suffer in this world because we are here to reach this world. How can we show compassion without some perspective? It is amazing how critical I was of parents until I became one. It is equally amazing how quickly we remove ourselves from other's suffering until we have the same struggle.

It's why you and I are here.

Gal. 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Let me encourage you to look into the eyes of those that God has placed around you. Ask yourself, "Are they suffering?" Then decide how God would have you help them bear their burdens. You are where you are on purpose!

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