That's How I Roll

A new year brings new resolutions, goals, feelings of what could be and a sense that maybe this time I will follow through. Why is it that we set a goal in the new year to lose 20 pounds and by March we are only 30 pounds away?
The answer is that most of us have uphill dreams and down hill habits. We form habits and then our habits form us. We make a decision that we want something but we have not put in to place the habits to back that decision up.
Luke 14:28
Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?
I have no doubt that you can accomplish the goals burning inside of you at the start of this new year. You can lose that weight, finish that degree, create more margin in your life or finally begin that dream that you have had for years. It is also a fact that you will not get to where you want to be without counting the cost and changing some habits.
So before you find yourself in THAT place again, you know, paying a gym bill but never going, ideas in a notebook that get buried on your desk, still not enough time spent with the family, the same amount of debt, etc. etc. etc., take a few moments to consider the habits that have gotten you to that place and the habits that will get you to where you want to be. Take control of how you roll.